Monday, November 16, 2009

Rants and Facts

Thought I might put up this photo with a view from my old flat in Houston. Photo courtesy of Groovehouse......I miss Houston and the southern heat (and Groovehouse too!!).

I have decided the next time I read an article or see an interview with an actress who says "Yeah, I'm just a naturally skinny person. I eat whatever I want, although I do workout 3 days a week for 20 minutes each time, with a trainer." I am going to give her a "knuckle sandwich." I despise these women. They set such poor health examples for everyone. I wish a popular magazine would write about how they actually eat only a milligram of food per day and exercise 5 hours a day, 6 days a week. The 7th day, they are probably in the hospital receiving IV fluids so they can muster up enough energy to tell the world how they are "naturally" thin.


In the numerous articles I have read this semester for my nutrition classes, I have found out some very interesting random facts and wanted to share this food for thought with you:

1) 80% of Overweight/Obese Children will become Overweight/Obese adults. This really scares me, because depending on how long you have known me, you probably know I was a very chubby tween. (hello double-dose of boot camp today!!)
2) Because of our overweight/obesity epidemic, Today's generation of children will be the first generation to have a shorter life span than their parents.
3) Over 30% of children in the U.S. do not consume a fruit/veg on a daily basis.
4) Vegetarian children, the primary youth "consumers" of fruit/veg, have slower growth rates than the typical child.

Nobody wins. I will say this though; for those of you who know any kids whom may need a little guidance in the nutrition department, send them my way.

By the way, speaking of healthy eating, this past weekend, I had the world's greatest bbq ribs from the amazing chef at the Guilford Bistro in Broadripple. I highly recommend them!!

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