Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cold Weather Stiffness

I don't know about y'all but after spending 10 years of having 10-month summers, this chilly southern Indiana weather has my joints aching as if I were about 20 years older than I really am.
I know I'm not the only one out there with stiff joints (as I do have several lovely "seasoned" readers). Therefore, I have been doing some research on foods which might help out during these stiff/cold winter months and wouldn't you know it--Omega 3's take the cake! While high saturated fat foods (mostly meats and butters) increase joint inflammation, Polyunsaturated omega-3s actually work to decrease inflammation by suppressing the production of cytokines and enzymes that erode cartilage.
Here is a list of some the better Omega-3 source foods on which to concentrate this holiday season:

Seaweed (seaweed salad!)
Ground Flaxseed
Soybeans (Kroger now makes microwavable edamame snack-packs)
Salmon (preferably wild and not farm-raised)
Omega-3 Fortified Eggs
Rainbow Trout

Also, Ginger, Cinnamon & Tumeric are great anti-inflammatory spices (Hello Curry and Moroccan delights!!)

And Antioxidants such as:
Vitamin C (especially for the smokers!!)
Selenium (Brazil Nuts);
Vitamin-A in Beta-Carotene form (pumpkin, kale, butternut squash, sweet potatoes)
Anthocyanidins (Blueberries, Blackberries, black currants, cherries, red grapes)
Vitamin D

Bon Appetit!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rants and Facts

Thought I might put up this photo with a view from my old flat in Houston. Photo courtesy of Groovehouse......I miss Houston and the southern heat (and Groovehouse too!!).

I have decided the next time I read an article or see an interview with an actress who says "Yeah, I'm just a naturally skinny person. I eat whatever I want, although I do workout 3 days a week for 20 minutes each time, with a trainer." I am going to give her a "knuckle sandwich." I despise these women. They set such poor health examples for everyone. I wish a popular magazine would write about how they actually eat only a milligram of food per day and exercise 5 hours a day, 6 days a week. The 7th day, they are probably in the hospital receiving IV fluids so they can muster up enough energy to tell the world how they are "naturally" thin.


In the numerous articles I have read this semester for my nutrition classes, I have found out some very interesting random facts and wanted to share this food for thought with you:

1) 80% of Overweight/Obese Children will become Overweight/Obese adults. This really scares me, because depending on how long you have known me, you probably know I was a very chubby tween. (hello double-dose of boot camp today!!)
2) Because of our overweight/obesity epidemic, Today's generation of children will be the first generation to have a shorter life span than their parents.
3) Over 30% of children in the U.S. do not consume a fruit/veg on a daily basis.
4) Vegetarian children, the primary youth "consumers" of fruit/veg, have slower growth rates than the typical child.

Nobody wins. I will say this though; for those of you who know any kids whom may need a little guidance in the nutrition department, send them my way.

By the way, speaking of healthy eating, this past weekend, I had the world's greatest bbq ribs from the amazing chef at the Guilford Bistro in Broadripple. I highly recommend them!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

La Vida de la clinica......

As most of you know, I am here in Indy with a latino health clinic. A great place which provides spanish-speaking health services over a cinco-state area. However, Saturday we saw over 50 patients within the first four hours and only one patient admitted to exercising at least once a week! I often wonder if the rest of these patients exercised at least once a week if they would still be visiting the clinic??? Although I would choose Western Medicine practice over Eastern any day--there's still something to be said about Eastern medicine and pro-active healthcare as opposed to just "fixing the condition." One day I will find a way to make it easy for everyone to "prevent the condition." (in a perfect world and I'm off my soap box now.....)

NYC was great! The Myklusch's are still one of the Top Ten World's Most Beautiful Families. I also ate my weight in gourmet goodness and give high recommendations to Balthazar, Cafe Bossa and The Shake Shack (best burger of all time--thanks again Mr. Myklusch!). They are all in the lower east side of Manhattan, which is where I will hopefully one day have a cute little part-time dojo.

Thanks to my hosts, I do have the double secret recipe for the Shake Shack Burger. I will not post it on here but if you want it, I will be happy to send it your direction.

INDY FARMERS MARKET: For those of you in Indy looking for some great local goods, there is a new Farmers Market Downtown. Can I please recommend the Vermont Bars from the pastry lady to the right of the entrance. Joder!!!

Anyway, The other night I made Baked Falafel and I wanted to share this healthy yet flavorful recipe with y'all!

1 16 oz. can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans.
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic, chopped
3 tablespoons of fresh parsley, chopped (or if you like parsley, go for 5!)
1 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon paprika
1.5 teaspoons cumin
Smidge of crushed red pepper or my personal fave, Sriracha Hot Sauce!
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 Tablespoon Tahini (sesame paste)
2 tablespoons wheat flour
Heat Oven at 375, spray down baking sheet.
Mash chickpeas, spices, tahini, and juice in medium bowl. Mash it real good! Stir in onions/garlic/parsley. Stir in flour
Form the mixture into small balls, about the size of a ping pong ball (no Bangkok jokes please!). Slightly flatten. Put on tray, bake 12 minutes and serv'em up on a pita with lettuce, tomato, tahini and tzatziki sauce!