Thursday, February 25, 2010

Viva la Siesta!

What a week! A new round of clinicals/lecture/lab and an entire new frontier to conquer! I’ve been describing the overwhelmingness as “drowning” but it has now been downgraded to waterboarding (thus making it NOT qualify as torture).
As well, in the midst of all the academic chaos, several days ago, a very evil person stole my camera while I was at the gym. For those of you who know me, you know I always keep my camera on hand. I feel a bit lost without it and I am not having fun searching for a new one. I prefer not to choose one, instead I prefer for it to choose me. However, since yours truly is going “across the pond” in a few weeks, I need to start taking the camera search process a little more seriously……….

On a healthier note...One of my favorite websites to peruse is always the msn health and fitness site. Recently there was an article on it about the benefits of an afternoon nap, which made me very happy. It just goes to show all the more reason to move to Spain, because Spaniards are Vikings at afternoon siestas!
The article mentions that afternoon naps focus more on the brain rejuvenation than the body. The human body’s capability to learn will sometimes decline by 10 percent between noon and 6pm and a full cycle of REM sleep will help alleviate that. However, a full REM cycle of sleep can last between 90-110 minutes, which isn’t always time appropriate during the work day.
Through my laundry list of psychology classes and from personal experience, I have learned that a full sleep cycle in the middle of the day can leave you extremely groggy for an extended period of time, so I would just go with a cat nap of about 25-45 minutes. It’s enough to make you feel refreshed or “rebooted” for all you bloggers out there!
I also found this photo the other day of my favorite quadrupedal napper , my (not so) little Zuni and me. He was quite the cuddler!

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