Saturday, January 23, 2010

Don't be SAD!

For those of you 30 Rock watchers,this week you might have seen the intro dialogue between Jack and Liz about SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. To be blunt, SAD sucks. For those of us in cold climates with gray sky and minimal daylight, our minds can go into a mild depression resulting in fowl moods and lack of energy and making us innocent victims of SAD.

Therefore, I thought I might share with you a few tips on how to stay "Jolly" the natural way and, err, the "fake-n-bake" way:

1) If you're reading this blog then you already know the advantages of high-antioxidant food and this is a reason to stock up on more! I promise it will help your mood. Thank you Mother Nature for allowing winter to be our Citrus fruit season. Oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits are all high-antioxidant, super-energizing natural sources of Vitamin C.
2) Exercise 4-5x per week (spin class, brisk outdoor walks or xc-skiing to your local watering hole)
3) Kundalini Yoga 2-3x per week, this is an “energizing” yoga and very stimulating on both an emotional and physical level.
4) Guided Relaxation Meditation
5) This might sound a little kooky but it’s the most important thing: 2-3x per week during the evening, go into a tanning bed for a 15-20 minute session. Make sure to wear AT LEAST SPF 30 all over your body!!! Extra UV light in the winter time does wonders for our emotional morale.
6) Get outside during the day as much as possible.
7) My personal favorite: Take a Southern Hemisphere Summer Vacation like a Patagonia hiking trip to Chile/Argentina OR a Down Under Beach vacation to the white sands of Cable Beach in Broome, Aus.

Hope this info helps!

By the way, Lori, I know you're a fan of the Jolly blog and I wanted to add that I hope you feel better and have a speedy recovery.

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